söndag 14 november 2010

2010 Virtual Photowalk - Wood, Scenic Sunday, SOOC Sunday

It has been windy around here this week so the woodpeckers tree cracked in the middle. It was perforated with nestholes so I'm not surprised. Gave me a nice profile though.

18 kommentarer:

Jan n Jer sa...

wow, good shot, the woodpeckers were busy little things! There goes their home!

Daliana Pacuraru sa...

Sometimes we are like that tree...when a little trouble make us broke...Lucky us we are humans and lucky us we are saved by the beauty of the world!
Best regards from Romania!

Larry D sa...

Interesting photo!

Anonym sa...

Now that tree is a cool find...love it in front of that gorgeous background...your eyes go right to the tree!

Anonym sa...

a very good photo, I like these images or you feel the force of the action !

Bye :))

Jan sa...

Very cool photo for today. We've had lots of wind this week, too.

Ron a.k.a. Danudin sa...

Pecking with attitude, what a great observation.

Anonym sa...

Nice profile indeed. I hope they still visit it, I love woodpeckers. Trees like that can be home to so many other birds and amimals

Ölandsvindar sa...

Stackars hackspettar. Här blåste en björk omkull i kohagen, där ett större hackspettpar häckade.

sunflowerkat sa...

It's a great profile. This photo gives me a real sense of tenacity. I really like it.


Anonym sa...

Your eye goes right to the tree. Guess those woodpeckers will need to find another tree.

Ian Grundlingh sa...

That tree "wood " will be no home no more!! Good shot

Anonym sa...

This is a starkly beautiful shot of the tree. Since it looks hollow, I wonder if there are other critters besides woodpeckers that live there?

Esther sa...

It is a shame they will have to find a new home... but in the meantime you found a focus for your photography!

Daliana Pacuraru sa...

Please have a wonderful Wednesday!

Judi Clark sa...

This photo really captures the weather... and the tree with the woodpecker hole is a real eye catcher. Nice job!

Anonym sa...

This really has a sense of atmosphere. Love the stark tree against the gray background. Nice shot!

Madelaine sa...

Love the composition and textures in the wood...also love woodpeckers!