måndag 1 februari 2010

Macro Monday

Looking at this Macro it's hard to understand how tasteful those things are.....
Visit Macro Monday and you will find lots of great Macroshots

10 kommentarer:

Chesney sa...

I am not a crab fan...and it doesn't help to see all those little details! LOL It sure does make for an interesting image though! Nice close up!

Cassie sa...

Fresh King Crab. Absolutely the best. This photo made me dream of sitting in a restaurant in Anchorage, Alaska with 2 pounds of King Crab in front of me. Oh heaven!!

Charlene Amsden sa...

Yum! I am a crab fan! What is with all thefood pics today. The macros are making me hungry!

Colleen sa...

That looks delicious! It makes me want to head to the nearest seafood restaurant.

Jay sa...

Crab? He's very colourful! I wonder if all those little knobbly bits are to help him as he scrambles over the rocks on the sea floor?

Anonym sa...

Crab! Yummy.

Anonym sa...

Your excellent photo looks tempting.

Ingrid sa...

That's very true, unfortunately they have to be cooked alive, poor things !

Rinny sa...

Sorry but this is making me hungry! Now I am going to crave seafood until I get me some.

Unknown sa...

My husband and son love these but I don't have a taste for them. Love the shot though!! I love all your snow photos too!